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80% Leads * 80% Sales * 80% Renewals =
51% top line results
If marketing Leads impact sales Wins, and sales Wins impact customer Renewals, and if each one is operating at 80% effectiveness, then as a whole, they are performing at 51% effectiveness.
Small improvements in one don't improve your top line much.
Small improvements in all three improve your top line dramatically.
The "secret sauce" is creating good habits. We customize, we train, and then we coach the teams until they have adopted good, new habits. Then we work with the marketing, sales, and customer success managers to help them adopt good management habits. They are the key to ongoing success. The results are remarkable. Talk to one of our customers and they'll explain.
“Creating a habit requires work in all three areas … It’s sometimes a painful process. It’s a change that has to be motivated by a higher purpose, by the willingness to subordinate what you think you want now for what you want later.”
Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People